Friday, November 23, 2007

Speech by Pierre's Classmate

Below is the speech delivered by Pierre's classmate Tom Delgado at memorial service. '

Love, Huzir

I am very honored to speak on behalf of the second year class and for ourbrother and friend Pierre. My simple words will never equal the wonderful joy that Pierre brought toeach of us. As I begin many of the classes my classmates and I take together I findmyself counting to 10. I count to 10 because when we started this programthere were 10 of us, and I want to make sure we are all present before theclass begins.

This morning as we began our first class without Pierre, Iknew in my heart and soul that we are still 10. We are still 10 because each of us will take Pierre with us as we continueforward with our lives. We are 10 because we take Pierre's beautiful smilewith us each day. We are 10 because we take Pierre's strength, wisdom, andcourage to help us and guide us. I know that when we walk in a year and a half from now at our graduation, wewill still be 10. We will take you with us Pierre, at that moment, andmany, many more moments the rest of our lives.

Pierre and I have a mutual friend, Jun, who is very dear to us and sharedsome beautiful words about Pierre the other night. He said that Pierre wasat the peak of his life and was showing us all how to live. He said thatPierre was taking advantage of every opportunity and was sure of his path.I know that his confidence on his path will help us all to live better.

Thank you Pierre for sharing your confidence and your vision. Thank you for sharing your contagious smile and sense of humor. Thank you for asking the questions we were all afraid or embarrassed to ask. Thank you for making us proud to call you a friend even though many of usare still silly Americans. And thank you for bringing your fellow TD & P brothers and sisters togetherin a show of love, respect, and admiration for you. For showing us ourstrong and deeply caring leaders who will continue to guide and inspire us.And for showing us your beautiful YSD family who will continue to love andremember you, and pray for you and your family.

At the beginning of this school year Pierre had unknowingly volunteered toTD a cabaret. Since Jun and I had TD'ed the cabaret over the summer, Pierrecame to us for some advice on dealing with the black hole we affectionatelycall the cabaret. In the days that followed I remember walking down thepath next to the cabaret garden, seeing Pierre busy at work, offering histime and talents. I know that each time I walk by that garden I will seehis warm smile and friendly wave hello. Pierre, that garden will alwaysbloom with your warmth and beauty. Pierre you are our fellow brother. We proudly carry you with us each andevery day. Your memory will be an inspiration for us all. It will never begoodbye, but just, thank you my brother.


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